
Color of the city

Have you ever think of how's the color of Beijing is changing? Every change of the color represents a kind of change (or contamination) in the culture of Beijing. Just half year, before and after Beijing Olympics, I found the color of Beijing has changed a lot.

The color of the newspapers and magazines stall: black and white --> chromatic
Actually, the color of newspapers stall has already changed for a long time. As imported or local newly launched magazines occupied the stall. Magazines with different subjects, such as fashion, technology, hip culture, gossip, etc, possess covers in different colors which creates a chromatic scene.

The banner on top stated: Big sale for renovation of the whole mall.

Color of shopping malls: brick red --> reflective grey
The 1st picture shown the entrance of an old shopping mall in Xidan district, a well-known shopping area in Beijing, and the 2nd one is the facade of the newest shopping center besides. There are almost 10 mega shopping centers in Xidan district and most of centers are already under renovation. The new shopping mall will be all with similar facade as the mall shown in the 2nd picture (using relfective mirror as exterior). Sooner, I may get lost in the grey forrest.

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