
City Lag_Exhibition in M50

This is an exhibition held in a gallery in M50, an art zone in Shanghai. Artists in this group exhibition are Singaporean MO in Paris, Chinese Chen Ji in Melbourne, Chinese Yang Xiaomin in Japan, and three more Asian artist work in their hometown. They are all living, studying or working in Metropolis. Modernization and Globalization caused rapid development in their cities. Information exchange quickly via internet, people are getting closer, communicating more. Distance between cities are closer while between persons are longer. Theme of the exhibtion is City Lag, artists wanted to express their thoughts of communication between people lagged behind the evoluation of society and technology.

However, I found another lag in the exhibition. That is Art Lag. Cultral exchange and chance increases for artists to study or work abroad also lessen the originality or characteristics of the works. This is funny that I found the Shanghainese staff of the gallery listening songs of a Canto-rappers called The Farmer. She said she is the fan of this Hong Kong rappers group but she hasn't been to Hong Kong or speak Cantonese. Is it another phenomanence of globalization?

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