
Which way home?

Because of my new job, I have to travel frequently to China since end of January. And because of this, I'm always passing or waiting to "home" in the border between China and Hong Kong.

Have you ever think of "which way is your home actually?". This is the question suddenly comes to my mind when I was waiting the train to home in Lok Ma Chau.

Although, I can still saw the view of Futian (China region) clear, I felt much more relax and comfortable when I sat in the Lok Ma Chau Station (Hong Kong region). Comparatively, I was tensed, always paying attention to the people around and the food I chose to take when I was in the region of China. Just only passing the gate of Hong Kong's border, all the nervous gone and my muscles relaxed. This makes me think again the issue raised in a lecture before: Does frequent contacts of people bewteen Hong Kong and China breaks the "BORDER" between? Yes, the cultures of Hong Kong and China are interacting/ interchanging continuously. That's why you may found some places in Shenzhen or Shanghai look like the same in Hong Kong. But to me, someone was born and grown in Hong Kong, can never find the sense of security/ home when I'm in China. I'm not saying China is not good, but just want to share my feeling here.

One more interesting I want to share here. Do you know what's the English name of 回鄉証 (the pass of Hong Kong resident to China)? It called "home visit permit". Is it interesting that I have to get a permit to back to home? And more interesting is, which way is your home actually?

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