
The real "KungFu"

It is a special lunch in Guangzhou. How special it is? I haven't feel its attribution until i saw the following poster.

It stated that, they inherited the 5000 years culture of "steam" in Chinese cuisine. All the food they provide are steamed. They believed steam is the most balance method to cook because it use fire and water together which act against each other in the concept of 5 elements (of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth), therefore, the nutrition in the food could be kept in the best condition.

The cooking concept is not the only thing interested me, but the ambiance of the restaurant also worth studying. You may recognized the interior design and the graphic used for the menu of the restaurant look like those used by McDonald or KFC. It is clever that they "borrowed" some famous fast food restaurant's ambiance to sell the traditional Chinese style of food. Customers, especially children and teenagers, will not too resist to take food there. However, some may say fast food culture even sway the representation of the traditional food. Globalization, consumerism and more US culture multiplied rapidly in China already!

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